An Equilibrium Model of Diagnostic Information Transmission Network

Xiaojia Wang, Tianwen Zhang, Shanshan Zhang, Weiqun Xu, Yuxiang Guan


Diabetes is one of the most typical chronic. There are more undiagnosed diabetics and pre-diabetics (UD & PD) than diagnosed diabetes. In this study, we applied a three-tier diagnostic information transmission network equilibrium model to support UD & PD in making an informed choice that is in line with their personal values. Considering the characteristics of diabetes diagnosis information, this paper designed the network as follows: first tier, health professionals; second tier, diabetes educators; third tier, UD & PD. An equilibrium model is established up on the network which is sufficiently general to handle the medical decision-makers. Such a model is sufficiently general to handle many medical decision-makers and their independent behaviors. The structure of the diagnosis information transmission network is identified and equilibrium conditions are derived. A finite-dimensional variational inequality formulation is established. Qualitative properties of the equilibrium model and numerical examples are given.


Information transmission network; Equilibrium model; Variational inequality formulation; Equilibrium point; Decision making



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