Dynamic Analysis of Electric Vehicle with Battery PackSwinging Chassis

Qiyuan Hu, Mengjian Tian, Bingzhao Gao, Jidong Lyu


As the energy storage element of electric vehicle, battery has the characteristic of large volume and mass. It occupies a considerable part of the mass and moment of inertia of the vehicle, which has a negative impact on vehicle handling stability. However, eligible vehicle handling characteristics are the key to ensure traffic safety. A new type of chassis is presented wherein the battery pack with yaw-direction-suspension is mounted. A 3-DOFs linear mathematic model is established to simulate the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle with the presented chassis in steering wheel angle step input test as well as the frequency response of yaw rate.Then we compare the result to the traditional vehicle in terms of agility and stability and the improvement of handling stability and agility of new chassis is pointed out.


battery pack swinging chassis; handling stability; 3-DOFs model; agility dynamics



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