Efficient Energy Management Control of Renewable Sources in Micro Grid with Power Quality Improvement Using Active Power Filter

Masoom Abbas Syed, Muhammad Zain ul Abideen,, Mehdi Korki


In this paper an energy management central control is integrated with a feedback from the source power rather than renewable energy power feedback in conventional schemes. The proposed energy management scheme reacts faster to the load changes as compared to traditional algorithms. The energy management control generates a trip signal for tripping the circuit breakers of renewable sources battery and fuel cell. The other two renewable sources (PVA and wind farm) are always connected to the micro grid. In order to reduce the THD caused by the power electronic devices an active power filter is connected at the Point of common coupling (PCC). Active power filter control structure is introduced with feedback control from PCC voltage and current. Due to the feedback from PCC the active power filter only operates during harmonic generation which don’t happen in passive filters. All the comparisons and modelling are designed in MATLAB Simulink environment with graphical representation with respect to time.


PVA (Photo voltaic Array), THD (Total harmonic distortion), PCC (Point of common coupling), MATLAB (Matrix laboratory)



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