Identifying Electric Power Demand in Structural Path Analysis: A Case Study of 30 Chinese Provinces
Electricity demand is inseparable from resources, environment,and social and economic development. However, the traditional study of electricity consumption cannot effectively explore the indirect power consumption that may be hidden in the supply chain of the whole industry. Therefore, this study adopts a structural path analysis method to connect the whole supply chain of China's social economy with the final consumption of various industries, which can excavate the indirect power consumption in the supply chain.The main work is as follows: 1) Set up a national regional input-output model based on supply chain, and the model removed imports on the influence of various industries. 2) Analyze the final demand impact on electricity consumption. 3) Tracking the consumption of electricity through the domestic supply chain. This method is applied to 30 provinces (total 900 industries) in China, this method was applied to 30 provinces (total 900 industries) in China, and the result analysis showed that "Fix capital formation - Shandong's construction - Shandong's Metallurgy" was the maximum path of power consumption, which proved that the proposed method can effectively track the indirect consumption of the electric power.
Embodied electric power use; Input-output analysis; Structural path analysis; Domestic supply chain; Chinese economy
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