Performance Analysis of Two-stage Compression CO2 Transcritical Cycle with R290 Mechanical Subcooling Unit
The performances of two-stage compression CO2 transcritical cycle with R290 mechanical subcooling unit are analyzed. The overall COP variation with the compressor discharge pressure and the subcooling degree are discussed in detail. With the increase in subcooling degree and compressor discharge pressure, the COPs of the SMS, OTLMS, OTHMS, TTLMS, and TTHMS system increase first and then decrease. Under the working condition of optimal discharge pressure and optimal subcooling degree, TTHMS shows obvious advantage in COP over the system with no subcooling under the same working condition. When the evaporation temperature is -30 °C, COP of TTHMS is improved by 22.35%. When the ambient temperature is 40 °C, COP of TTHMS is 1.51 higher than that without mechanical subcooling. The COP of SMS system reaches up to 4.26, which is 22.19% higher than that of OTHMS at the evaporation temperature of 10 °C. At an ambient temperature of 35 °C, the COP of TTHMS is 2.15, which is 64.82% higher than that of OTHMS. The power consumption ratio of SMS is significantly higher than those of other systems and the highest power consumption ratio is 29.98%.
CO2 refrigeration, transcritical system, mechanical subcooling, two-stage compression
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